
Q&A with Anna Lahey From Vida Glow

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In this day and age, it’s almost as though skincare has become second to leading a busy and hectic lifestyle. Stress and ageing, however, can be a bad combination for your skin. If you have no time for superficial beauty regimes that add complication to your daily routine, meet Vida Glow. This revolutionary brand is set to define the standards of beauty for the future.

My Hair & Beauty Q&A with Anna Lahey – Vida Glow

Since Vida Glow launched in 2014, it quickly etched its name in the beauty industry. It specifically garnered the attention of many for its hero Vida Glow Marine Collagen 270g. Since then, the brand has committed to creating products that are powerful and effective using only clinically proven ingredients. Let your skincare products work for you, not the other way around.

We sat down with the woman behind the brand, Anna, to pick her brain about the global best-selling marine collagen and more from Vida Glow.

Q&A with Anna Lahey of Vida Glow

My Hair & Beauty Q&A with Anna Lahey – Vida Glow

What is Vida Glow and how was it born?
We’re an ingestible beauty brand creating science-backed solutions for modern beauty concerns. Vida Glow started after I saw the transformative benefits of marine collagen in my own skin, hair and nails – and this sparked my passion for ingestible beauty and its possibilities.

What is your brand’s purpose? The WHY behind it all?
Everything from the brand’s beginnings, its philosophy and scientific innovation reflect my personal drive for helping people discover real results from ingestible beauty. After I experienced the benefits of marine collagen, I invested into the research to understand the scientific evidence behind the results I saw in my hair, skin and nails. And the clinical data was very evident. I knew I had to share this.

How is it unique?
Our investment in science has set the foundation for Vida Glow’s success. It’s a definitive point that continues to benchmark us as leaders in the ingestible beauty industry. And we employ a science-lens at every step of our NPD process. Last year we invested over $1M into independent clinical trials. It’s a big undertaking, but this commitment to results is why we have such a loyal customer base – with one unit of Natural Marine Collagen sold every four seconds.

Who would benefit from Vida Glow?
Vida Glow is for everyone. Our formulas are backed by science and are easy to adopt – so you can achieve tangible results, no matter your lifestyle or wider beauty routine.

How do you go about researching ingredients and testing new formulas?
We start by identifying common – and emerging – beauty concerns. We examine the root cause of these concerns, like pigmentation or hair loss, then find innovative and clinically backed active ingredients to deliver the best results. Once we’ve created our formula, our NPD projects go through stringent clinical and consumer trials to ensure the formula meets our high standards and creates visible results.

What are you seeing in the marketplace with ingestibles, collagens and inner health being a focus?
Transparency. Consumers are demanding accountability and transparency – not only in terms of brand values, but where products are created and the science behind their ingredients. Years ago, no one really looked at the back of a pack. Today, people are wanting to discover more. I’m proud of our transparency. From the science behind ingestible beauty, to our clinical data and what results to expect from our products, educating consumers has always been a priority for Vida Glow.

What are YOUR most favourite products from the brand?
Natural Marine Collagen will always be a staple in my routine, but our Advanced Repair Radiance and Hairology formulas game-changing for my skin and hair. Radiance is a vegan capsule which brightens the skin and reduces signs of pigmentation like sun spots, melasma and dark under eyes. It’s made a significant improvement to the pigmentation from my pregnancies too. And our latest launch, Hairology addresses hair loss and thinning. It’s clinically studied to reduce hair loss by 34% in just 28 days. It’s been revolutionary for people experiencing excessive hair shedding, thinning hair and finding their hair everywhere! All of which I’ve personally experienced during my hair loss.

“Vida Glow is designed for real people and real life. My vision is for Vida Glow to be part of your routine every day, every step of the way.”

-Anna Lahey

How do you get your inspiration for products, branding, your office space?
All of my creative inspiration comes from a desire to have a positive impact on people’s lives. Whether that’s through our products, bright visual identity and sunny disposition, or our team at VG HQ.

You’ve had astounding growth over the past few years, how do you keep grounded?
Our growth and expansion into international markets is incredibly gratifying. But we’re still on the journey, there are still more goals to reach, and that’s what keeps me grounded. As do my three young children who constantly keep me on my toes!

My Hair & Beauty Q&A with Anna Lahey – Vida Glow

When not running a business how do you practice self-care?
I try to take the pressure off with easy and realistic ways that I can live my life every day. I like to have walking catch-ups with friends. And I do my best to stick to a routine and plan my days. I like to feel prepared and I have lists for everything, so even on manic days, if I’ve ticked one thing off, I feel like I’ve accomplished something.

If you could go back and give your 18-year-old self any advice, what would it be?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It’s in these moments that you learn the most.

The team at My Haircare & Beauty are excited about partnering with Vida Glow, what’s next for the brand?
We’re creating targeted ingestible treatments for specific beauty concerns across skin, hair and the body. Radiance and Hairology were our first Advanced Repair launches – and we have another revolutionary skin SKU coming later this year!

Want to Try Vida Glow?

Real beauty for real life. That is the ethos of this brand. The founder, Anna, insists on clinically proven ingredients to achieve lasting and visible results. If not, then what’s the point of spending all these efforts and resources on producing skincare products.

Vida Glow likes to elevate the consumers’ idea of how skincare should be. If this sounds like something you want to try, check out our website to learn more about the brand and its best-selling products. It’s more than just beauty; this brand is about making an impact on people’s lives, too.

Get your own Vida Glow products here!

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Mel is a former Hair Stylist with over a decade of industry experience. She enjoys writing about all aspects of the hair & beauty world including, trends, new products & best-sellers.

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